Often I hear from friends who have blogs and she has been successful with Reviews their blogs. He menjadikanna from this blog as a source of money from the business being done online. There is a lot we can do with a blog that we have. But keep in mind as well. Blog The function is similar to the home page or home as a real home.
We could be Compared if we had a quiet house visitors then if we want to open a business at home that we must be extra patient Because it was predictable if we deserted the visitors home if the house is used as a store will usually deserted too. Unless you promote your print ad or elsewhere eg browsur spread anywhere where possible within your store instantly crowded going to visit your home Initially that was silent.
For that before you have ideals wanted to have an independent online store you need to prepare a website address or blog. And take care of the blog so that visitors feel comfortable and hooked to always visit your blog. If it is already running then your blog will Gradually Become a crowded blog visitors.
Well if this is already terwujut you have to do is create a blog online store. Which will be used as a homepage for your product. Maybe you've heard the terms of Reviews those who blogs are breeders Become Able to make money on a regular basis.
Anyone can be successful in the online business and even rich, whatever age you are and wherever you are. All of this could have been you do all it takes is perseverance and patience. Here are some ways you can try to make money from the internet that you can try right now. to produce a dollar, both of the which I have applied, and the which is still in the planning / planning for the future:
1. Money with advertising on PPC (Pay Per Click).
PPC stands for pay per click, point is that you will be paid if there are visitors who click on the ads that you post. Each publisher get paid Appropriate advertising rates that have been determined by the advertiser. There are many providers of PPC advertising, Among others:
Google Adsense ($ 1- $ 20 / click)
KumpulBlogger (local PPC Rp.300-500 / click)
Kliksaya (Local PPC Rp.300-500 / click)
AdsenseCamp (Local PPC Rp.300-500 / click)
Which tervaforit Became the field of internet marketing is Google adsense, in addition to the pay gede.Iklan roomates Also Appears customize the content we publish.Artinya what. ?? with google adsense performance like that would be Able to Increase the number of CTR (Click Through Rate) on ads that we pasang.Artinya it will Increase the opportunities for us to reap dollars through the program.
1. follows from the PPC program
Improve quality traffic on your blog / web. Place the ads in strategic places and many Viewed by visitors to Increase the likelihood that visitors to click, for example in the beginning of the article, the end of the article or in the sidebar of the blog. We will mendapatanbayaran if any of our blog visitors who click on ads that we put on our blog.
2. Being Online Graphic Design services provider.
If you are one of Reviews those people who have expertise in the field of graphic design. This we can the make as an online business. A graphic design has always had its own place in the environment wherever they are and I feel it could sendiri.Membuka graphics services is a very exciting job for saya.Selain we can be creative with the design, of course, Also we pay to do the things we love.
You are free to Determine the rate of price on services anda.Tentunya people will be willing to pay if your work meets the criteria of the client. Any services from the scope of graphic design:
Banner design services (Animation, GIF, flash, etc.)
Logo design services (company logo, web, community, etc.)
Design T shirt
Design business cards, invitations, etc.
In order for this business get the results that you want you prosecuted Able to Compete with the quality of the design and price of its competitors. Give it a chance revision of any design the which does not suit the client.
3. Open a web design services.
There are many web design seing used either paid or free. Many examples of outstanding web design. But many Also choose how istan and do not want to be bothered. They prefer to buy or hire the web designing as what he wants. There are many reasons people menbayar our web designing .. maybe Because they do not have the time to design Reviews their own. Or maybe it tidakmemiliki knowledge of web design. Along with the rapid technological developments of make everyone could freely search or access the information they need. So to present the information, a person needs a website as a medium for writing and presenting what people need. This is what I refer to as one peuang to the make this source of livelihood through online.
4. Provide Spot Advertising on the website or blog.
If you have a blog or website that already have high traffic how good You also set aside a little space on the front page of your blog as a place to rent advertisements. There are many ways you can do to make a payment. And you also can Ultimately Determine how much the rent. It usually depends on the level of traffic blogs rent.
5. Selling digital products (Ebook, templates, etc.).
Since digtal Reviews their technology, and now nothing is done digitally. Both the ID card, driver's license, and the means of payment (ATM, CREDIT CARD, etc.) And advance if you want a job should come with Reviews their own carrying the application file photo copies ba bla bla ....... And it's all a sheet of paper sheets.
But now many companies are recruiting kariyawan by way of applying via email. Data daa sent digial form of data. Also Books are now so many school books printed in the form of electronic books (EBOOK).
This is what I mean as a field of money to make money from the internet by selling digital data is such as books, blog template, or a variety of images in .jpg format into. and for an ebook can be done using the .pdf format, and others. Besides that I have Mentioned above there are many other examples of a case of selling fonts in the form of audio or video tutorials and many more that I have not Mentioned here.
6. Being a Writer Articles Services.
Already many companies are looking for article writers who sell them. Well if you have a hobby to write or just wants to tell you why not try to sell it on the internet. Because who knows you may Decide that the story was much in demand by others. This could be one source au your money.
Promotions do right (Please join in group Facebook or other social media to promote your new services)
Avoid Copy - Paste Articles (Articles Better rewrite with the style of your own language)
7. Follow the Survey or Pooling.
Many service companies that need your survey. There are overseas and some are from within the country. Please you search on the internet a lot that you can find. You tnggal register it. This business is commonly called Paid Survey or an online poll that is designed to collect the data about a product or service perusahaan.disini, you will be paid after taking the time to conduct a survey of a product by the company.
The aim of this in depth are:
They urgently need an accurate research for a product that will sell them to the market by the response from members who Participate in the survey. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of Reviews their products. Do they want to improve or add something to make their products to the next level.
8. Sell Buy website or blog.
Sale and purchase a website or blog is currently a very lucrative business area and has many success stories, both for local and overseas sites. There are many variations of the results are still selling well bekisar Hundreds of Thousands to millions of rupiah. It all depends on the quality of the blog and the traffic is Also very decisive. For profit can not be learned Directly as lainnya.Ya business model, we need to care for and raise first web roomates will be marketed in order to have a high value. Rawat first blog if you later rfik already high you can sell by way of auction. The higher its rafik the more expensive the selling price.
9. Open Business SEO Services.
Seo is absolutely done by the managers of the web site. Because seo later who will Determine the success of your blog. Seo itself known two kinds. Seo and seo onpage offpge. Both are important Because a blog is not for search engines or robots but human regular blog for readers. Onpage Seo is Necessary that our blog is already indexed by the search engines. But it would be nice if our blog readers' favorites humans are not machines.
Inii in 2016 now seems to be a trend, not least given the company still needs the services of SEO (search engine optimization) for the target market they want. SEO is a strategy where we can occupy the top positions in search engines or search engines, especially Google.
Online businesses should have this skill if you want to succeed and be Able to Compete with competitors. No wonder if you master the SEO techniques you will be one step ahead of your competitors.
10. Internet Business Online Store / E-commerce.
Online trading has Become a trend in society the world so this is why I incorporate items into artilel Reviews These 10 ideas to make money from the internet. Many stores have sprung up onlin. Well if you are going to be the next player?
Similarly, some tips or ideas that MIGHT be useful. If there banak one apologize and I wait for his advice for my blog.
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